Gwent Police Authority “Performs well” for local people

Gwent Police Authority’s strong performance has been recognised in a joint inspection report published today by Wales Audit Office and Her Majesty’s Inspector of Constabulary.

This excellent result acknowledges that the Authority has “performed well” in all areas particularly, in setting strategic direction, scrutinising performance, community engagement and value for money. The Police Authority appoints the Chief Constable and his team, sets the police budget and holds the Chief Constable to account. It also monitors performance and engages with local communities to ensure the policing plan priorities reflect the community’s needs.

In the latest British Crime Survey, public confidence in Gwent Police has increased 11 percentage points in 12 months which is the most improved position in the 43 forces of England and Wales. This inspection acknowledges the role the Police Authority plays in ensuring that the single confidence target will be met through its effective scrutiny of Force performance.

The Authority also evidenced that it is working with the Force to address current and future financial pressures through the Staying Ahead Review. Together they have achieved £7.5 million worth of efficiency savings to date while increasing Neighbourhood Policing resources by 22%. The work of the Gwent Police Authority in engaging with local communities, including vulnerable, hard to reach and minority groups and its commitment to fulfilling the obligations set out in the policing pledge is also positively noted.

Chair of the Police Authority, Cilla Davies said:

“I welcome the findings of this inspection and am pleased that the hard work and dedication of the Police Authority members and staff has been recognised in this way. The Police Authority is fully committed to making Gwent a safer place for everyone and ensuring that they receive a high quality police service which tackles the issues that are important to us all.

Increasing public confidence in Gwent Police is highly important to the Police Authority, we will not become complacent and will remain focused in constantly working with the Chief Constable to improve the service.

I would like to thank everyone for their continued support and valuable contributions which keep the Police Authority informed to ensure local policing plans reflect local needs. This enables the Police Authority to seek constant improvement to the police service in Gwent.”

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