Cash boost for innovative road link

Work already under way on a major transport route through West Wales has been given a £19 million boost from EU Convergence funding, Deputy First Minister Ieuan Wyn Jones announced yesterday.

The new cash will help pay for improvement of a 2.5km section along the A40 from Penblewin to Slebech Park, including a bypass for the Pembrokeshire village of Robeston Wathen – including for the first time in Wales, an innovative ‘2+1’ overtaking layout.

This latest funding will form part of an overall £37 million investment already committed by the Welsh Assembly Government to improve journey times and road safety along the route, which serves as a vital link with West Wales, Ireland, the UK motorway, the trunk road network and Europe.

The bypass will provide additional overtaking opportunities helping to improve journey times and reduce traffic noise for local residents.   The 2+1 overtaking layout means that the central lane of the 3-lane road becomes an alternating overtaking lane controlled by road marking.

Mr Jones, who is also the Minister for the Economy and Transport, said:

“Work on the new bypass will enhance the existing transport infrastructure, improving safety and journey time reliability along the A40.  It will help improve quality of life for people living in the village of Robeston Wathen and deliver access to jobs and services along this important east/west corridor in South West Wales.

“I am pleased that our successful management of European structural funds means that around half of the substantial cost of this improvement will be paid by the Convergence regional development money – releasing our resources to invest in other sustainable transport schemes that may not otherwise have been able to go ahead at a time of heavy pressure on Welsh public spending”.

The scheme will also help develop around 1km of additional footpaths linking with existing public paths and bridleways via two underpasses either side of Canaston Bridge that can be used by pedestrians, cyclists and equestrians.

Other works being undertaken as part of the scheme include the provision of improved road drainage which will reduce the risk of contamination to the Eastern Cleddau River.

The Minister added:

“The provision of underpasses and new footpaths will facilitate increased walking, cycling and equestrian activities in the area, benefiting businesses, communities and individuals alike.

“Improving the efficiency of our road network is essential to achieve a more sustainable transport system – a key priority of the One Wales agreement.”

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