Last call for Monmouth Gateway ideas

Monmouthshire County Council (MCC) has issued a final appeal to residents for ideas for the project known as ‘Gateway Monmouth’

The project forms part of a commitment undertaken by MCC to review options for the site alongside the old Monnow Bridge, in the wake of the Welcome Centre proposal.

Councillor Bob Greenland said:

“We are currently re-consulting the town on possibilities for the site given more limited funding opportunities.

“Everyone agrees that much could be done to improve the area around the toilet block and we have agreed with partners that it would be a good idea to invite the town share their thoughts through drawings and sketches.

“The invitation is open to all, whether you are a professional, school student or simply someone who has a great idea, but all we would ask that drawings are returned by Friday 12th March.

“We then hope to exhibit ideas received for public comment, which we will feed into the review process.”

MCC Officers have also been touring the schools to find out what young people would like to see. Colin Phillips, the council’s Regeneration Officer, said:

“We have been very impressed with the enthusiasm and energy expressed by younger people for this project and their knowledge of the site.

“We are keen to ensure young people have the opportunity to share their ideas for the site that may help shape the future of the town.”

Photograph: Monnow Bridge © Ben Salter

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