Cardiff voices join westward high speed rail line campaign

A new partnership of local authorities and regional development agencies is launching its bid to campaign for a High Speed Rail (HSR) line from London to South Wales and South West England.

The Great Western Partnership (GWP) is an HSR action group which is promoting the economic and environmental benefits of establishing a HSR line west of London.

HSR would reduce the journey time from London to Cardiff to around 70 minutes, and the time from London to Bristol to around 60 minutes, bringing significant connectivity and economic benefits to the cities of Bristol and Cardiff and their surrounding city regions. HSR will build upon the welcome programme of electrification of the Great Western Main Line from London to Bristol in 2016 and to Cardiff and Swansea in 2017, which will improve current journey times but not achieve HSR speeds.

By significantly cutting journey times between cities, HSR has the potential to help improve the UK’s economic
performance and make a significant contribution to the UK Government’s carbon reduction objectives. By transferring
long distance services to a new dedicated line, HSR will also release capacity on the existing rail network, which can then be used for commuter travel and freight.

Major cities and their city regions are the drivers of the country’s economic prosperity. The development of a Great  Western HSR line would enhance the economic competitiveness of South West England and South Wales and ensure neither region gets left behind other regions on a UK HSR Network.

The GWP is particularly focussing on the benefits HSR will bring to the knowledge-based employment sector and employment growth in general.

Transport Secretary Lord Adonis will shortly announce proposals for the UK’s second HSR line ‘High Speed 2’, connecting London with the West Midlands, North of England and Scotland.   The GWP’s campaign seeks to secure the
Government’s commitment to build the UK’s third HSR line (‘High Speed 3’) along the Great Western Corridor.

Cardiff Council’s leader Rodney Berman has been pressing the case for HSR and the benefits it will bring to the economy.

He said: “The Great Western Partnership is lobbying the UK Government to invest in an HSR line to serve South Wales and South West England.”

“It is essential that the UK’s core cities stand shoulder-to-shoulder to campaign for a transportation system fit for the 21st Century and I am fully committed to persuading the Government to develop a High Speed Rail line from London to South Wales.”

South West RDA Board Member Nick Buckland is emphasising the need for a network approach so full benefits are realised from HSR investment.

He said: “The Great Western Partnership is lobbying the UK Government to invest in an HSR line to serve South West England and South Wales.

“It is essential that we come together to campaign for a rail system which helps us to compete in a global economy.  Increasing the competitiveness of the UK economy as a whole means we need a nationwide HSR network which includes a line from London to Bristol and Cardiff which also makes direct rail links to Heathrow possible. While this will be a long term programme, with steps such as electrification helping along the way, the planning and commitment has to start now. ”

Bristol City Council Leader Barbara Janke said: “I am  delighted to endorse this initiative to improve rail connectivity between London, via Bristol to South Wales. I believe that high speed rail is absolutely essential to grow both our regional economies in the future.  We have clear examples from Europe and elsewhere of the benefits this can bring. Indeed, if we fail to secure this investment I believe our economies will suffer in relation to other UK regions.

“I also welcome the chance to forge closer links with South Wales in general and Cardiff in particular.  We are two major international destinations with many similar ambitions, problems and challenges, and we are the economic drivers of our respective regions. We are forging closer links through a range of initiatives and I hope and believe that this is the beginning of much closer collaboration on many shared issues in the future.”

Cllr Peter Greenhalgh, Swindon Borough Council’s Cabinet Member for Sustainability, Transport and Strategic Planning, said: “A High Speed Rail Link to Swindon and beyond would provide not just economic benefits but social improvements.

“We would urge the Government to consider for once linking the West to the capital city and allowing those who live
outside London to the west to enjoy the benefits of those in the South East.”


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