AM welcomes rural bus funding

An £11m grants package aimed at improving vital bus and community transport services across Wales has been welcomed by Llanelli AM Helen Mary Jones.

Under this year’s allocation of Transport Grants to South West Wales Integrated Transport Consortium (SWWITCH), Carmarthenshire is to receive £945,440 in funding.

South West Wales Integrated Transport Consortium (SWWITCH) is one of four Welsh transport consortia supported by the Welsh Assembly Government and is working to develop and promote improved access across the region.

Announced by Plaid Leader and Economy and Transport Minister Ieuan Wyn Jones, this year’s Local Transport Services Grant (LTSG) has been increased by over 4% to help local authorities support a range of subsidised transport services.

Llanelli AM Helen Mary Jones said: “I’m very pleased with the One Wales Government’s Transport Grant allocation for Carmarthenshire. This grant will enable us to build on the improvements already carried out, and develop improved access across the region.

“In a rural area like Carmarthenshire, dependable transport is key, and therefore I’m very pleased that the South West Wales Integrated Transport Consortium has received substantial funding to continue to improve travel services in the area.”

Minister for Economy and Transport, Ieuan Wyn Jones added: “This grant continues to play an important role in supporting crucial services that are not provided by bus operators on a commercial basis. It is used to support a wide range of initiatives and measures to provide transport links to people in deprived areas, and is the main source of funding for community transport.

“The Welsh Assembly Government also recognise that the costs of providing these services has risen due to fuel price increases, insurance and the expense of driver training and we have raised the grant by over 4% to help tackle these increases.”

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