Tyre amnesty is winning rubber

Bryn Rowe from Tumble hands over his used tyres to Tidy Towns operatives Kevin Evans and Brian Mogford. Picture: Jeff Connell.

A whopping 1,086 tyres were collected in an amnesty held in Cross Hands.

Skips in Leekes car park in Cross Hands Business Park were filled in just a few hours despite the rain.

The amnesty, which allows residents to dispose of any unwanted tyres free of charge, is being held at various locations across the county.

It is being run by Tidy Towns, which is a Welsh Assembly Government-funded initiative delivered in partnership by Carmarthenshire County Council and Keep Wales Tidy.

The aim is to encourage householders to dispose of their waste responsibly and in turn help combat fly-tipping.

Tidy Towns project officer Kelly Shefford said: “Tyres are one of the most common items that are
fly-tipped not only in Carmarthenshire but across the UK as a whole.

“We want to encourage people to do the right thing and dispose of tyres in a responsible manner.

“We couldn’t believe the amount of tyres we collected in Cross Hands, the rain failed to deter people.”

All the tyres collected will be recycled.

Further amnesties are being held between 12pm and 6pm at Llandovery main car park on Tuesday, May 4; Morrisons car park in Carmarthen on Wednesday, May 5; Llanybydder main car park on Monday, May 10 and the mart car park in Newcastle Emlyn on Wednesday, May 12.
Only 10 tyres (on or off the wheel rim) are permitted per household and proof of residency in Carmarthenshire is required such as a recent domestic utilities bill or valid driving licence.

Please note that commercial, agricultural or trade vehicle tyres will not be accepted.

Householders are also reminded that tyres left outside of the times is classed as fly-tipping and they could be fined up to £50,000 or even get a prison sentence!

For further information on the tyre amnesty contact Tidy Towns project officer Kelly Shefford on 01554 742159.


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