Warm welcome for safe routes money

Pembrokeshire County Council was recently awarded £250,000 to install traffic calming and improve footways and paths in the Monkton and South Road areas of Pembroke.

The funding – from the Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) – aims to encourage residents to walk or cycle instead to using the car.

The work will be carried out in conjunction with current improvements in Monkton and will further curtail traffic speeds.

This is especially the case in Long Mains where residents have been asking for speed cushions for a long time and where the vast majority of Monkton School pupils reside.

The bid involved the whole community in particular the staff and pupils of the school who were invaluable in motivating everyone else.

The news has been widely welcomed, especially by local Pembrokeshire County Councillors Pearl Llewellyn and Rosalie Lilwall said:

In a joint statement they said: “The Safe Routes in Communities initiative is focused on encouraging local residents to walk or cycle within the community by making it more practical and attractive while improving road safety at the same time.

“Not only does it benefit the environment but has positive benefits for health.”

The bid – together with one for £465,000 for Goodwick – was submitted by the Council and when approved by WAG was the highest allocation in Wales.

Photograph: Teachers Emma Wilkin and Maria Thomas alongside County Councillors Rosalie Lilwall and Pearl Llewellyn and Monkton School pupils in Long Mains.

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