Plaid: Lib Dems all at sea on north-south air link

Gareth Jones AM has accused the Lib Dems in Wales of blatant hypocrisy today (Weds 25th May 2010) as they attempt to have the north-south air-link between Cardiff and Valley in Ynys Môn scrapped.

Mr Jones also says that the Lib Dems are all at sea on this issue as Cardiff-based politicians call for the service to be scrapped while a senior Lib Dem and Chair of the FSB in Ynys Mon publicly congratulates the Welsh Government for maintaining a vital linkage to south Wales for their fragile economy. Not only that, but the Lib Dem leadership has had diametrically opposed views too, with the most senior AMs and MPs contradicting each other.

Speaking ahead of a Senedd debate calling for the subsidy from the Welsh Government to be scrapped, Mr Jones Plaid AM for Aberconwy, said:

“Scrapping the subsidy means the people of Ynys Mon lose this important transport link. Given it’s the poorest part of the UK and the furthest part of Wales from Cardiff I am absolutely delighted that Plaid in Government has managed to continue to provide this important air link. If we’re serious about regenerating the economy of northwest Wales we must use every tool available to us and this air service is one of them.

“We all know Lib-Dems are prone to say one thing at one time and the complete opposite at another as long as it suits them politically. They’re also inclined to tell voters one thing and then do the complete opposite as we’ve just seen with the formation of the ConDem Coalition – it’s blatant hypocrisy. And on this issue of the northwest – southeast air service, they’re all at sea.

“Lib Dem MP Roger Williams was a member of the Welsh Affairs Select Committee which reported in January 2003 that ‘the establishment of a fast and reliable air link between North and South Wales should be a priority objective.’ Lib Dem AM Eleanor Burnham also gave evidence to that Committee and made no mention of any objection to north-south air links.

“The Lib Dems were also in coalition government in Wales when the then Environment Minister Sue Essex AM announced in March 2003 that ‘the Assembly Government will pursue a number of initiatives, including north south air links, as supported by the Select Committee’.

“We’ve even heard former MP and sometime-pilot Lembit Opik calling for the development of a network of regional airports in Wales for smaller planes in complete contradiction to his Master’s voice in Cardiff. And even she has changed her tune after proposing in 2007 that funding be withdrawn from the service, ‘if take-up is deemed insufficient’ – well take-up has taken off and exceeded all expectations.

“But by far the worst crime of the Lib Dems in the Assembly is to call for the subsidy to be scrapped while one of their most senior councillors and businessmen acknowledges its vital contribution to regenerating the local economy. The Lib Dems don’t care about the people of Anglesey or the opportunities that Plaid in government are bringing to the island. FSB Chair Cllr Selwyn Williams publicly congratulates Ieuan Wyn Jones for his hard work and sterling support for what he calls the fragile economy of Ynys Mon. I can only share Cllr Williams’ view of his Lib Dem colleagues in Cardiff by saying that I too am appalled at their attitude to the poorest part of the UK.”

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