Rhondda mountain bike pursuit results in arrest

A police pursuit on mountain bikes through a Rhondda shopping centre resulted in the arrest of a man on suspicion of drug dealing earlier today.

Members of the local neighbourhood policing team who were patrolling the area on bikes tracked down the man in Hannah Street, Porth, at around lunchtime.

Local Inspector Mike Jones said: “There was a considerable police presence in Porth this afternoon and I wish to thank the local community for their support and co-operation while we carried out this arrest.”

Officers had planned to carry out a search warrant under the drugs act at a property in Station Street but at the last minute received information that the suspect was riding his bike in the town centre.

Members of Porth Neighbourhood Policing PC Nigel Bird and PCSO Dai Hughes were directed to the area and, following a pursuit along Hannah Street, a 33-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of possession of class A drugs with intent to supply.

Items believed to be 14 wraps of heroin, a small bag of powder also believed to be drugs, and £800 cash was recovered.

A subsequent search of a property resulted in a further significant amount of money being found and an amount of drugs.

A 24-year-old woman was also arrested on suspicion of possession of drugs with intent to supply and they both remain in custody.

Inspector Jones added: “This incident has proved the value of police officers riding mountain bikes when on patrol as they are able to get around the community quicker and more widely.

“I hope the local community are reassured by today’s activity that we at South Wales Police are committed to tackling the use and supply of drugs and such illegal activity will not be tolerated in the Rhondda.”

Photograph: Police in action in Porth, Rhondda, during today’s arrest

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