Lord Mayor urges community to support ChildLine recruitment campaign

Swansea’s Lord Mayor is backing the campaign to recruit more volunteers to support the city’s ChildLine service.

The much-needed base in the city fields more than 7,500 calls a year and it urgently needs to add to the number of volunteer counsellors able to lend a listening ear to children.

Lord Mayor Richard Lewis, who is visiting Swansea’s ChildLine base on June 3, said the work volunteers do to support children in need was vital.

Cllr Lewis said: “ChildLine is one of the best-known services of its kind. It provides a fantastic service to young people who often feel they have nowhere else to turn. It’s so important that there are enough people on hand at the end of the phone to pick up the calls.”

Cllr Lewis added: “It’s a tragedy if a child or young person has plucked up the courage to contact ChildLine to talk to someone about their problems and they can’t get through. ChildLine can literally be a lifeline.

“That’s why I am keen to encourage volunteers to join a very dedicated band of people whose work is vital in keeping ChildLine going.”

Trained volunteer counsellors comfort, advise and protect children and young people who may feel they have nowhere else to turn. Volunteers are the heart of ChildLine’s service.

Anyone over the age of 16 can volunteer whatever their age, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation and physical abilities.

Would-be counsellors are invited to attend a volunteer information meeting which is followed up by an interview if they wish to proceed. And if found suitable full training, ongoing support and supervision are provided.

For more information contact Steph Callendar for an informal chat or to find out when the next Volunteer Information Meeting is being held, call 0844 8920235, email [email protected] or visit www.childline.org.uk for more information about ChildLine and other ways in which you can help.

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