Youngsters from Barry’s Area 41 youth centre have completed a running and rowing challenge and raised £423 for the Ty Hafan Children’s Hospice.
The money was raised by a group of eight teenagers who are working towards their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh award. They set themselves a sponsored challenge of running the equivalent of the London marathon and rowing the equivalent of the distance from Barry Dock to Weston-super-Mare – all in one evening.
They achieved the feat in just under three and a half hours, taking it in turns to run a leg of the challenge.
Leon Patnett, the senior youth worker who runs the group, said: “The young people showed real determination and commitment to complete this task. Special thanks go to Barry Leisure Centre for providing the rowing and running machines for the challenge.”
The group are part of a new Duke of Edinburgh centre set up in Area 41 Youth Centre at Holton Road, Barry, for further information on this or other activities at the Centre call 01446 745670.