Swansea RNLI lifeguards rescue teens stranded on Caswell cliffs

Swansea RNLI lifeguards, working in co-operation with the Coastguard and the RAF, rescued two young men who had become stranded on cliffs between Caswell Bay and Brandy Cove, just after 2pm, on Friday 4 June.

The two men, in their late teens  and from the Swansea area, had been seen earlier in the day climbing at the same spot and been advised by RNLI lifeguards that it was best not to climb there.

Later, just after 2pm, senior lifeguard Nick Dowrick saw that one of the men was in distress and his friend was calling for assistance.

Nick Dowrick then paddled over to the bottom of the cliffs on a rescue board, while RNLI lifeguard Kieran Hennah rang for assistance from the Coastguard.

The young man who was in distress was on a ledge 20ft above his friend who was calling for help.

Lifeguard Nick Dowrick then climbed the cliff to get to both of the young men and assist them.

An RAF Sea King helicopter (call sign 169) from RAF Chivenor arrived on scene and airlifted the young men onto the coastal path, and after being checked over it was clear that neither of the young men needed medical attention.

While Nick Dowrick and Kieran Hennah attended to the incident, lifeguard Andrew Jones continued providing the RNLI lifeguard service at Caswell.


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