Bourne & Ramsay: WAG must stop dithering over finances

Welsh Conservatives will today confront the Assembly Government over the deeply concerning size of the UK’s inherited budget deficit.

They will also use their Opposition debate to call on the Assembly Government to work more closely with the UK Government to secure improvements to public finances, after inheriting some £800 billion worth of debt from the Labour government.

Commenting on the debate, Leader of the Opposition Nick Bourne AM (pictured) said:

“We are using our debate time to highlight this incredibly important subject as we do not feel that the Assembly Government really appreciates the severity of the situation.

“The UK Government has set out plans to tackle the problem and we are urging the Assembly Government to work more closely with the UK Government to secure improvements to public finances.”

“The Business & Budget Minister has acknowledged that Wales has a part to play in reducing the national debt yet she and her colleagues have failed to make substantive contingency plans to make savings in Assembly Government spending.”

Shadow Finance Minister Nick Ramsay AM added:

“Despite all the pre-election rhetoric from Labour and Plaid about ‘Tory cuts’, the Assembly Government has failed to take responsibility for its own budget.

“They cannot continue to bury their heads in the sand over the country’s finances and Assembly Government spending.

“The Minister and her colleagues must stop dithering and must take action to tackle the deficit.”


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