Council considers public toilet options

Carmarthenshire County Council has set up a group to look at options for the provision of public toilets in the county.

The council’s Street Scene department looks after 33 public toilets in the county and nine Superloos are managed on the council’s behalf by Danfo.

The group will consider a number of options, including the closure of some toilets where, for example, vandalism or anti-social behaviour has become a problem, or where there are other public toilets nearby.

Transferring the management of public toilets to town and community councils is another possibility on the table.

The group is made up of members of the council’s Environment Scrutiny Committee with members from all party groups.

Chairman, Councillor Jim Jones said: “We are looking at various issues such as budget, location and condition of facilities, as well as the locations of public conveniences provided by other council departments and organisations.

“The group has visited a number of facilities across the county and we have also been consulting with town and community councils, the council’s tourism service and Dyfed-Powys Police.

“We hope to conclude our investigation shortly and will report back to the scrutiny committee with our findings as soon as possible.”

The scrutiny committee will then make recommendations to the council’s executive board.


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