Bus Crews Issued With Spit Kits

South Wales Police in conjunction with First Cymru Buses have launched an initiative known as the “Spit Kit”.

The kit which will be issued individually to all bus crews, who have daily contact with members of the public, can be used when a crew member has been subjected to an assault which involves spiting.

The Spit Kits can be used to gather samples of saliva or other bodily fluids, in an attempt to identify offenders and can then be used in any subsequent court proceedings.

Crew members, who have been spat at, will be actively encouraged to collect the saliva, using the Spit Kit, which comprises of gloves and swabs in a concealed container. The samples will then be handed to the police who will arrange for a forensic analysis.

Chief Inspector Will Rees said “Staff at First Cymru on a daily basis come in contact with members of the public and occasionally are subjected to assault where they have been spat at.”

“This standard of behaviour is not acceptable, the use of the Spit Kits will offer staff some reassurance that steps are being taken to identify the perpetrators and bring them to justice”

Len Stevens of First Cymru Buses said “The safety of our staff is paramount, and it is for this reason that we have bought and will be issuing the Spit Kits to our bus crews on an individual basis”

“We are working closely with the police and are actively encouraging our staff to use the kits following an attack which has involved them being spat at.”

Spit Kits will issued to staff working from the following depots, Ravenhill (Swansea) Pontardawe, Port Talbot, Bridgend and Maesteg.


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