Pupils rockin’ in the aisles at Grand Theatre

Swansea’s Grand Theatre will be rocking the aisles next week when more than 200 youngsters showcase their dance talent in 5×60 Dance Evolution.

The event features youngsters from every secondary school in Swansea and there’ll be an eclectic mix of colour, music and dance of every kind.

The show for one night only on July 1 has been organised in collaboration with Swansea Council’s Active Swansea team.

Dave Jones, Development and Outreach Manager for Active Swansea, said: “We have 5×60 Officers in every secondary school in Swansea who work closely with the youngsters.

“Many of them have been practising their routines before, during and after school and there will be a mixture of dances ranging from street and hip-hop to rock and roll.”

The evening will be hosted by Kev Johns and will feature performances from the 2010 UDO British Street Dance finalist Groundswell

Tickets cost £5.00 for adults and £3.00 for children, and are available from the Grand Theatre Box office on 01792 475715. For more information on the event, contact 5×60 officers on 01792 635218.


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