Blues Regional girls rugby

This summer Cardiff Blues are holding rugby development sessions for all girls throughout the region. These sessions will be open to all girls aged between 12 – 17 yrs old. (next School Years 8 – 13).

Players of all abilities (no experience necessary) are invited to attend the sessions on:

Sunday 4th July 2010 – Brecon RFC.
Sunday 1st August 2010 – Abercwmboi RFC (T.B.C).
Sunday 22nd August 2010 – Barry RFC (T.B.C)..

All sessions will run 10am – 1pm commencing with a 9.30am registration.

These sessions will then provide a pathway in to the Cardiff Blues Regional U15 and U18 squads for the 2010/11 season.

Any players interested in representing Cardiff Blues this season are invited to attend.

Further information available on or contact Alan Roberts, Team Manager on [email protected]

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