Top marks for Council

Pembrokeshire County Council has been given top marks in its annual report.

An independent report by the Auditor General for Wales into the Council’s performance so far this year has praised its “strong stable leadership” and “culture of continuous improvement” which it says are “very likely to sustain improvement in the future.”

At a meeting of the Council’s Corporate Government Committee on Monday a member of the Auditor General’s team said the progress report was very positive.

“It shows the Council is well placed to face future challenges, she said.

Leader of Pembrokeshire County Council, Councillor John Davies, said he was satisfied the report was a true and honest reflection of how the Council did business.

“It’s reassuring to know that we are on the right course,” he said.

The Auditor General for Wales carries out an annual improvement assessment for every public authority in Wales.

The assessment looks at both an authority’s plans for improvements and whether it achieves its planned improvements.

This year’s preliminary corporate assessment of Pembrokeshire County Council says the Council’s “strong corporate leadership and embedded values are the key drivers in delivering the Council’s strategic intentions.

“The Chief Executive and Leader together provide strong corporate leadership and support each other in securing continuous improvement in ‘the Pembrokeshire Way.’

“The Council has a clear strategic vision, direction and core values that are embedded throughout.”

The report adds that the Council has a strong focus on delivery and results through incremental change and has a track record of managing expectations and taking difficult decisions.

“The Council was one of the first in Wales to start changing the way it provided education services to achieve better quality education in a more efficient and sustainable way. Regulators have recognised that its incremental approach to improving education since 1996 has been progressive and well managed.”

Also highlighted are the Council’s approach to providing better services for the elderly, its plans to improve its housing stock and its use of scrutiny to support key decisions.

“Overall the Council’s resource and people management, and its approach to partnership working in Pembrokeshire, are providing a good platform for delivering change and improvement,” says the report.

And it adds that the Council is further strengthening some aspects of partnership working and managing its people and performance.


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