Call for waste wise businesses to go for awards glory

Businesses that have managed to green up their act by cutting down and recycling their waste can get the recognition they deserve.

Enterprises which contribute to preserving our planet for future generations could be in line for a Sustainable Swansea Waste Wise award.

The Sustainable Swansea awards reward local groups, businesses and organisations who show a commitment to preserving the planet and improving the quality of life of citizens. They’re run by the Swansea Environmental Forum- a partnership aimed at greening up our city that includes Swansea Council, the Environment Centre, the Wales Green Business Centre and the Welsh Assembly Government.

Swansea Council’s recycling section are sponsoring the Waste Wise Award.

Recycling Team Leader Trish Flint said being waste wise is a win-win scenario for businesses.

She said: “It’s a double win for them; using less material saves them money whilst commercial recycling is cheaper than sending waste to landfill. The impact of being sustainable on the planet goes without saying.

“Winning an award is a great way to let customers, partners and your community know of your commitment to sustainability and you could inspire other businesses.”

The closing date for the awards is Friday July 9. Ring 01792 480200 for an application form or email [email protected]

Log onto the Swansea Council recycling team’s website at if you’d like to find out how your business can benefit by recycling commercial waste or for hints and tips on how to cut costs by reducing material.


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