Lib Dems let Holtham cat out of the bag

Aberconwy AM Gareth Jones yesterday seized on comments made by Lib Dem AM Peter Black, where he appeared to rule out the introduction of a fair funding formula for Wales for five to six years.

When discussing how Wales is funded on the BBC’s Good Morning Wales, Peter Black AM said:

‘… clearly, you’re not going to be able to conjure up any more money over the next five or six years, what we have to do now is make sure we spend that money more effectively…’

Responding to Peter Black’s comments, Gareth Jones AM said:

“This is yet another example of Lib Dem hypocrisy. We’ve seen them ditch their so-called principles on government spending, the VAT hike and now with the crucial matter of fair funding for Wales.

“Its now clear that the Lib Dems are openly admitting that they have completely ignored the scandalous underfunding of Wales in the new coalition with the Conservatives in Westminster. All our communities will no doubt suffer as a result.

“The Holtham Commission is unequivocal in its conclusion that Wales is being under-funded to the tune of £300 million a year. That’s money out of our public services, economic development and the alleviation of poverty. The Lib Dems are clearly content with selling-out for the sake of power.”

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