Appeal for residents to be vigilant with car keys

Gwent Police are urging residents to be vigilant with their car keys after police have seen certain trends emerging in the way vehicles are stolen.

Police have seen an increase in incidents where thieves break into a house simply to steal the vehicle parked outside as well as an increase where thieves have been shown to ‘Fish” for keys: the thief uses a stick or pole with a hook on the end of it, pushed through the letter box and vehicle keys are hooked from a hall stand, or telephone table. Between April and June this year compared to last year, there was an increase of 16 vehicle thefts using these particular methods.

Crime Prevention Sergeant Colin Thomas, Gwent Police, said:

“Residents really cant afford to give thieves a second chance or a moment to take advantage of a situation. Security in modern vehicles is such that the key is virtually the only way a vehicle can be easily started so thieves are going to extraordinary lengths to obtain the key. Residents need to keep their keys safe,”

Police are offering the following advice to prevent this type of vehicle theft:

  • Keep your vehicle keys in a safe place, even in your home so that someone breaking in cannot steal your vehicle too. Do not leave them near your front door on a hall stand or telephone table.
  • Always remove keys from your vehicle, even when leaving it for a very short period such as when popping into a newsagent or garage.
  • Never store your vehicle documents in the vehicle. Keep them secure at home. (Your documents will contain the code number of the key specific for your vehicle)

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