Come along to Wepre Park on July 31, and get busy BioBlitzing

A ‘BioBlitz’ is a race against time to name as many different types of animals and plants as you can in one place.

It actually means Biodiversity Blitz and on Saturday July 31, Wepre Park in Connah’s Quay, Flintshire, is the place to be, as scientists will be around to find out what’s living there. Everyone’s invited to come along – you don’t have to be David Attenborough to take part, it’s all about having a free day of family fun!

We’ll be looking for all kinds of species – everything from birds, bees and butterflies; to mammals and moths, and even reptiles, and river and pond creatures.

And when you’re not out looking for species for expert identification then there’s lots more to do, including pond and river dipping and getting your face painted to look like your favourite creature!

Sarah Brown, Flintshire County Council’s Biodiversity Officer said:

“The BioBlitz is a fantastic opportunity to get up close to our local wildlife and give us some really important information about Wepre Park. It will highlight all the amazing life that we literally have on our doorstep here in Flintshire. We are expecting a day full of discovery and excitement!”

Airbus is sponsoring the schools’ aspect of all the BioBlitzes taking place across the country, including the Flintshire BioBlitz.

Angela Ferguson, Community Engagement Manager for Airbus in the UK, said:

“We at Airbus in the UK are committed to protecting biodiversity and so we are very happy to support this extremely worthwhile initiative. We hope families from across the area will come along and enjoy what promises to be a fun and free day out.”

Stands and activities run from 10am to 4pm, and there are expert walks from 8am to 9.30pm. All children under 10 must be accompanied by an adult on the walks.

For full details of the programme have a look at

Places on walks will be limited. To book a walk in advance, please contact Sarah Brown, Flintshire County Council’s Biodiversity Officer, on 01352 703263.

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