UK government in danger of disenfranchisement over website’s English-only policy

Plaid Cymru’s Jonathan Edwards MP has today called a new UK government website designed to encourage participation in ‘restoring and defending freedom’ a ‘complete contradiction of itself’.

In answer to a question from Mr Edwards to the Deputy Prime Minister, it was revealed that the “ConDem” government believed that translating such a website was deemed too expensive. This is despite the fact that the Welsh Assembly Government operates fully bilingual websites as do many Whitehall departments.

On the website, Nick Clegg is quoted as saying “Your Freedom is the part of the most radical shake up of our politics for decades. We encourage you to keep participating in this unpredictable forum…it’s time to have your say. After all – it’s your freedom.”

Plaid’s Jonathan Edwards MP said:

“The ‘Your Freedom’ website claims to offer members of the public an opportunity to participate in the UK’s democracy.

“By declining to translate the contents of this website into any of the other languages used by UK citizens, the Government has now effectively disenfranchised all those not comfortable in written English from having any say.

“It’s a complete contradiction of itself.

“I would have thought freedom included the right to participate in democracy in your own choice of language.

“Apparently translating the content was felt to be ‘disproportionately expensive’. But fully bilingual websites are already the norm for all public sector bodies in Wales not to mention many Whitehall departments. Quite why such a website, dubbed as vitally important, should be an exception to this rule is frankly beyond me.

“The coalition Government should take care – it is in grave danger of suggesting those not fluent in written English have a lesser role to play in the UK’s democracy.”


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