Charity skydive for two police employees

A police employee with no head for heights will be heading high into the sky this Saturday to complete a parachute jump for charity.

Tracy Winstanley along with her colleague Clare Thelwell who work at the Operational Communication Division in St Asaph are gearing up for the 10,000ft jump in a bid to raise funds for St Kentigern.

The pair decided to fundraise for the hospice as both Clare and Tracy know of people who have received regular treatment and respite care at the centre. So far, they have succeeded in raising around £900 in sponsorship.

As the day draws ever nearer, 39-year-old Tracy said: “I keep on trying to put the parachute jump to the back of my mind. My father was a parachute instructor and I vowed that I would never undertake a parachute jump – but I actually did one a few years ago and I’m not looking forward to this one as I really don’t have a head for heights!”

“We are booked in to arrive at 11am at the centre in Whitchurch, Shropshire, where we will probably have a short talk, be given all our equipment and then off we go!” added Tracy.

Both Tracy and Clare will be jumping the 10,000ft jump in tandem with an instructor from the centre.

“The height that we are jumping from means that we will spend some time freefalling, then the parachute will be released and hopefully we should glide down safely!”

Anyone who would like to sponsor Tracy and Clare can do so at their fundraising site

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