Announcement on Newtown bypass before summer ends

A decision on the future of the Newtown bypass is expected before the end of the summer according to recent correspondence between Montgomeryshire AM Mick Bates and the Minister for Transport, Ieuan Wyn Jones.

According to a recent letter from the Minister for the Economy and Transport, ‘the appraisal of options for Newtown is now complete’ and the Minister will make a announcement before the end of the summer period.

Commenting, Mick Bates AM said:

“Local businesses and residents have been waiting far too long for news on the Newtown bypass.  The Welsh Government consulted on long term solutions to Newtown’s congestion problems last year but still have failed to make a decision on the preferred option, while the traffic problems in the town continue to cause havoc.

“The Minister has confirmed to me that the appraisal of options for Newtown is now complete and an announcement will be made before the end of the summer period and I will be holding the Minister to this promise.  It’s about time that we see some progress to address the traffic issues in Newtown, which are causing endless frustration for residents and businesses and raising serious concerns over safety.”

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