Help Us to keep Monmouth Beautiful – Join Us on 10th September

The litter on Chippenham Fields is a problem which has become increasingly worrying for local residents. Local Monmouth officers are committed to targeting offenders and making Monmouth as beautiful town to live, work and visit.

The litter problems at Chippenham Fields are a ward priority for Drybridge and officers have been focussing on tackling the issue.

Local Neighbourhood Officer PC Jeff Barclay explains, “The main problem appears to be when groups of people congregate to eat lunch or picnics on the fields.

“We have increased patrols in this area and have been speaking to anyone seen with food to advise them to take any wrappers away with them. We have been speaking to offenders about littering offences and the implications such as fines.

“We have arranged litter picks with local schools and residents and the situation has improved but unfortunately we can’t patrol the fields constantly.  We are asking the local residents of Monmouth to help us with this issue and ask that anyone using the fields remembers to take away any rubbish that they use. “

Our next litter pick together with Tidy Towns – Tidy Local Communities will be on Friday 10th September at 3.45pm at Chippenham Fields. We’ll be rolling up our sleeves to help out – come and join us! Litter picking equipment and gloves will be provided but please wear sensible clothing and shoes. Children should be accompanied by an adult.

Neighbourhood Sergeant for Monmouth Dick Bull continued, “We would like to thank local residents for their support and ask that everyone plays whatever part they can in tackling this problem – no matter how small.

“We are working with the local council to resolve this issue and if everyone works with us, we can make Monmouth even more beautiful.”

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