Your Community Your Council

The latest edition of Flintshire County Council’s newsletter Your Community, Your Council has been delivered to homes and businesses in the county.

The 16 page, bilingual colour publication is issued three times a year providing more news about the Council and the services it provides.

This issue includes a section dedicated to housing stories (including information about tax free payments to households using renewable energy), tips for keeping children safe online, a detailed outline of October’s Flintshire Business Week 2010 and the latest on the Extra Care scheme development in Mold.

There are features on Cornel Clyd, the Connah’s Quay bungalow that offers breaks for disabled children, and the Council’s fly tipping team, who were on BBC Wales television recently, and who have been praised for their proactive work. On the front page is Tom Holmes, School Crossing Patrol, photographed with a camera pole which will be used in a pilot scheme to reduce incidents of drivers failing to stop at school crossings.

This edition also includes a centre spread featuring Flintshire’s county councillors, and how to contact them.

Chief Executive, Colin Everett, said: “It’s really important that, as a Council, we communicate with our residents and that we do that in a clear and engaging way. In surveys and feedback, people have told us that they want a council newsletter – and that it’s a really useful way of keeping them informed of the work that we’re carrying out.”

Leader of the Council, Councillor Arnold Woolley, said: “We want to keep people up to date with the services we provide. We hope they find this latest publication really useful.”


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