Drugs, driving and anti-social behaviour top of Gwent Police list

Police officers throughout Gwent will next week be taking part in activities to mark ‘Not in My Neighbourhood Week’ 2009, which runs between Monday, November 2 and Friday, November 6.

The week aims to promote and showcase what is being done locally to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour. The activities will bring professionals and local communities together to say no to crime in the neighbourhoods of Gwent.

‘Not In My Neighbourhood Week’ informs local people about the action being taken by police, local agencies and partners to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour – the quality of life issues that impact on local communities.

During the week Gwent Police have organised a range of public engagement activities as well as enforcement operations aimed at helping to reduce crime, detect crime and reducing the fear of crime.

In identifying its priorities for the five-day initiative, Gwent Police reviewed feedback from 2,600 responses provided by members of the public via PACT meetings and the force’s summer engagement programme. This highlighted that communities across Gwent want the force to focus on issues including drugs, speeding, poor driving and anti-social behaviour.

During the week, a force-wide enforcement day will take place to proactively tackle drug dealing and anti-social behaviour. Gwent Police will be seeking out persistent offenders in order to respond to community concerns.

On Monday, November 2, the focus will be road safety and anti-social use of vehicles. Motorists caught using their mobile phones while driving will be shown clips of the anti-texting while driving film Cow to raise awareness of the disastrous consequences of distracted driving.

Litter and graffiti will be the target on Wednesday, November 4 and on Thursday, November 5 Neighbourhood policing teams and Schools Community Liaison Officers will be participating in Operation Bang, an all-Wales initiative to deter anti-social behaviour during the period on and around Bonfire Night.

Commenting ahead of NIMNW Detective Chief Superintendent Ray Wise said:

“Not In My Neighbourhood Week showcases the partnership work that is going on across
Gwent every day to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour. By raising awareness of this work I hope that communities will recognise how problems can be solved more effectively by working together.”


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