Flintshire Libraries Improve Performance

The performance of Flintshire’s libraries in key areas of activity is improving, according to the Welsh Assembly Government’s assessment of the County Council’s Welsh Public Library Standards Annual Report for 2009-10.

Each year library authorities in Wales are measured against a framework of Public Library Standards and Performance Indicators, which look at issues such as how easily people can access library services, investment in books and other materials, ICT provision, capital investment, staffing levels and user satisfaction. For the three years from 2008 to 2011 the framework comprises 14 Standards and 13 Indicators.

In 2009-10 Flintshire fully met 11 of the 14 Standards, partly met a further two, and did not meet one. This compares with achievement of 8 full, 3 partial and two not met in 2008-09. The areas of service delivery where libraries performed well included how close most households are to a library, opening hours, access for people who can’t use a library building and computer facilities. Investment in new stock, buildings improvement and user satisfaction with the service also scored well. The area where the authority did not meet the Standard – staffing levels – remains a concern and is regularly reviewed by the Council. In context, the average number of Standards being fully met by the 22 Welsh library authorities was 9, the highest achieving 13 and the lowest 6.

libraries also performed well in relation to other authorities when measured through the Performance Indicators, with the assessment reporting ‘largely sustained or improved performance, being above average in seven, and amongst the top five performers in six of the Indicators’. The assessment concludes that the authority had demonstrated steady improvement, building on its achievements in 2008-09, and has planned its work carefully.

This news is encouraging, and the Annual Report and WAG Assessment will be considered by the Lifelong Learning Overview and Scrutiny Committee of the County Council at a forthcoming meeting.

Councillor Nigel Steele-Mortimer, Executive Member for Education, said:

“I would like to congratulate the Library Service on the improvements they have made. This service is very important to cultural life in Flintshire.”


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