Audit Report Praises Council’s Strong, Clear and Firm Leadership

An official, independent assessment has described Cardiff Council’s leadership as ‘strong’, ‘clear’ and ‘firm’.

The assessment formed part of a report issued by the Wales Audit Office looking at Cardiff Council’s approach to securing continuous improvement which it concluded is “developing well” supported by “strong leadership”.

The report, which is published today (Tuesday, September 28), gives an overview of how Cardiff’s complex programme of change is developing and praises the Council’s sound governance.

The report states: “Clear and firm leadership and sound governance, supported by effective financial management is underpinning delivery of the council’s strategic intentions. The political leadership of the Council has been stable for many years and there has been clarity of purpose and a sustained direction of travel.”

It also highlights the council’s “good track record of budget management”.

Another aspect the report examines is the work the Council has been doing in setting up partnerships between the public and private sector at part of its Strategic Transformational Change Programme which is targeting areas where private sector partners can be brought in to advise and work with the Council to help it develop and improve services.

The report also praises Cardiff Council for establishing “a sound understanding of its operations and options for change” through its fundamental operational review.

This root and branch review of the entire Council’s operations and running costs was undertaken in 2007 covering staffing levels, organisation structures and a full value for money assessment of everything the Council does.

The report does however point out that Cardiff does not always use ICT and other assets well but acknowledges that the Council has already identified areas for improvement and is taking steps that are intended to resolve problems.

Council Leader Rodney Berman said: “This independent report is a new assessment looking at corporate governance and how the Council is being run from the top. I am delighted that it recognises the strong political leadership Cardiff has been receiving, and how this is instrumental in the smooth and effective running of the authority.

“We are continually striving to improve the services we provide as a Council to our local citizens, something I have personally sought to drive from the front. It is very pleasing that this has been recognised by the Wales Audit Office as ‘a clarity of purpose’ which is providing ‘a sustained direction of travel’.

“We are clearly going to be facing some challenging times ahead and I will be looking for the Council to build on this approach and lead the way in how we face the challenges to improve the services we provide to residents, visitors and workers in the city alike.”


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