Caruso and the Quake comes to Theatr Gwaun

When tenor Enrico Caruso performed Carmen at the San Francisco Opera House in 1906, he was the most famous man in the world – having been the first recording artist to sell a million copies.

The next morning, he awoke at 5am to find his bed rocking. He thought it was on a ship returning to his beloved Naples but he was at the centre of an earthquake which would kill over 3,000 people – the greatest natural disaster in America until Hurricane Katrina.

This story of Caruso’s dramatic escape is brought live to Theatr Gwaun in Fishguard on Saturday 30th October at 8pm, as part of a nationwide tour.

Mexican Tenor Ignacio Jarquin recreates Caruso as his trunk is stolen, he avoids the bayonets of soldiers evacuating the streets and takes refuge in a city of tents in Golden Gate Park,

He also sings some of Caruso’s most famous operatic arias and neapolitan songs – including the immortal ‘O sole mio’.

The show was one of the hits of the Edinburgh Festival where The Stage said it was ‘compelling’ and the Scotsman praised Ignacio’s performance as ‘Opera singing with a pure fresh quality’.

Caruso and the Quake will take place at Theatr Gwaun on Saturday 30th October at 8pm. Tickets are £9 (£7 concessions).

The performance will be followed by a ‘Sing Out With Caruso’ workshop on Sunday, 31st October at 10.30am for up to 15 people (first come first served). The workshop is £15

To reserve tickets for the performance or workshop, or both, please ring the Theatr Gwaun Box Office on 01348 873421.

Photograph: Mexican tenor Ignacio Jarquin, star of Caruso and the Quake

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