Bates calls on WAG to reduce energy use by 10% and publicise departmental energy ratings

Following an announcement last week by the Prime Minister that central government departments must cut energy use by 10% over the next month, Montgomeryshire Assembly Member Mick Bates has called on the Welsh Government to follow suit by publicising the energy efficiency rating of each government department to increase transparency and encourage sustainable behaviour.

Commenting, Mr Bates states:

“I am pleased to see Westminster taking action to become a greener government.  The announcement by the Prime Minister that all central government departments must cut energy use by 10% during the next month is an ambitious one, but one that matches the urgency of the need to take serious action to tackle climate change.

“The UK Government has published an online league table, for the public to compare the energy rating of each government department.  Not only does this increase transparency but it also encourages each department to act more sustainably and perform to more energy efficient standards.

“I have written to the First Minister urging him to adopt a similar practice here in Wales.  Warm words and rhetoric are all very well, but leading by example is the best way to stimulate behaviour change.

“I hope that the First Minister will take up this request, to put sustainable development at the heart of each government department and ensure that the Welsh Government practices what it preaches and plays its part in reducing Wales’ carbon footprint.”


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