Plaid: ‘Do Not Condem the Furyre of Welsh Broadcasting’

‘ConDem government plans to contravene the funding protection currently given to S4C under statute are an attack on the future of Welsh Language broadcasting, and as such an attack on the language itself’.

That was the message today from Plaid Cymru leader and Deputy First Minister of Wales, Ieuan Wyn Jones AM. Mr Jones said that the ConDem government has no understanding of the cultural and economic significance of S4C and as such sees it as an easy target for their savage cuts. He warned that Plaid in government will not stand back and let the Tories and Lib Dems in London jeopardise the future of Welsh language broadcasting.

The Plaid leader said that a full review of S4C should be carried out before any decisions on its future funding are made and added that Plaid in government would be happy to play a full part in that.

Plaid Cymru leader and Deputy First Minster Ieuan Wyn Jones AM said:

“It would seem that the Tory and Lib Dem government in London is intent on condemning the future of S4C. Plaid in government will not sit back and allow that to happen. As is so often the case, the secretary of State in London clearly has little or no understanding of, nor indeed regard for, the situation here in Wales. He needs to understand that not only is S4C a public broadcaster and not a government or non-government department, it also plays a significant wider role in the future of the Welsh language. The ConDems must not treat S4C as an easy target for their savage cuts. “Plaid is calling for a full review into S4C to be carried out before any decisions on its funding are made. Of course we, in government here in Wales, would expect to play a full role in that review.”


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