Cardiff Castle is Picture Perfect Thanks to HLF

Today Cardiff Council is to present the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) with a unique memento to thank the organisation for its help in restoring the city’s much loved Castle.

Over the past ten years Cardiff Castle has benefited from a programme of works funded by Cardiff Council and a grant from HLF to safeguard the future of one of Cardiff’s most famous landmarks.

In 2000, Cardiff Castle was awarded £6.7 million from HLF, which has enabled Cardiff Council to progress a £14 million restoration and development scheme to support a sustainable business plan to protect the Castle’s future.

The Castle has seen significant benefits due to the funding. Works completed so far include the repair and repainting of all external walls and the keep. Improvements to the battlement walkways and external areas, internal refurbishment of the house including rewiring, fire protection and environmental controls, restoration of the Guest Tower,  wine cellar, and Burgess interiors. Plus the creation of a new Education Centre and Interpretation Building, which will help tell the history of the Castle for future generations to explore.

To thank HLF for its support, Executive Member for Sport, Leisure and Culture, Cllr Nigel Howells, presented Jennifer Stewart, Head of Heritage Lottery Fund in Wales with a photo album documenting the restoration work on Thursday, November 4 at 10am at the Castle.

A copy of the photo album will also be available at Cardiff Central Library so that local people and visitors can find out more about the project.

Executive Member for Sport, Leisure and Culture, Cllr Nigel Howells, said: “The Castle restoration project would not have come to fruition without the support of the Heritage Lottery Fund. I would like to thank them for supporting this superb project and helping to safeguard the future of one of Cardiff’s most famous landmarks.

“We have developed a great working relationship with HLF and as the Castle project comes to an end, a new wave of restoration is beginning at Bute Park, thanks once again to a grant from HLF.

“Both projects have made a huge different to the experience we offer visitors to the Castle and Bute Park.”

Jennifer Stewart, Head of HLF in Wales, added: “We’re delighted that our investment has made such a difference in bringing Cardiff’s most popular landmark back to its former glory.  The Castle is much-loved by local people and visitors alike, and can stand proud for future generations to enjoy and learn about the heritage of Wales.”

Photograph: Jennifer Stewart Head of HLF in Wales and Executive Member for Sport, Leisure and Culture Cllr Nigel Howells

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