Need for adoptive families as great as ever

During National Adoption week 2010 (November 1-7), the West Wales Adoption Service – which is responsible for recruiting, training and assessing adoptive families – says the need for permanent families for children in Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire is as great as ever.

The West Wales Adoption Service is looking for all types of prospective parents who could provide a permanent home for children of all ages.

Some may need to stay with their brothers and sisters, others may have a disability.

For some children it is important that they continue to have face-to-face contact with their birth families.

Norry Hutchison, manager of the West Wales Adoption Service, said: “There are many myths around who is able to adopt, so please don’t think we’ll turn anyone  down because they are over 40, single, or don’t own your own home.

“What we really need are people who can offer a child or sibling group a loving and supportive family for life. People who can help a child recover from the reasons why they came in to care and can help them go on to thrive in a new family.”

He added: “Initially, we are simply asking people to come forward and find out more about adoption.  We run a series of information sessions where interested people can find out more before making any commitment.”

Anyone interested in finding out more about adoption can call 01267 228622 or email [email protected]

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