Pick Up After Your Pet warns Gwent Police

St Kingsmark ward officers are teaming up with Monmouthshire County Council to clean up our local areas following complaints of dog fouling.

PC Louise Thorpe and PCSO Laura Redwood have joined forces with Monmouthshire Councils Technical Officer Kate Arnold in an attempt to make Chepstow dog owners clean up after their dogs.

Legislation in respect of dog fouling allows uniformed council officers to issue on the spot fines of £75 in cases where dog owners fail to pick up their dogs mess. If fines are not paid, offenders could be taken to court and ordered to pay up to £1000.

PC Louise Thorpe explained, ‘Dog fouling has previously been a PACT priority for St Kingsmark and we understand that it is a concern for local residents.  Whilst on patrol in our ward area, we want to educate dog owners and if necessary deal with offenders.

The officers are most concerned that dog owners allow their pets to foul in children’s play areas which can cause serious health implications.

Toxocariasis is a disease found in animal faeces and can be passed from dogs to humans. Children are particularly at risk and infection can lead to illness and even partial loss of sight.

Kate Arnold from Monmouthshire County Council said, ‘Generally most dog owners are responsible and clean up after their pets but unfortunately some dog owners ignore their responsibilities.

‘I give out free dog scoop bags to dog walkers I speak to and they are also available at all One Stop Shops. We appreciate it’s not a nice job but we are asking all dog owners to take responsibility for their pets so that our local areas are not spoilt for everyone else.’


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