Tory MP Slams Vague Food Labelling

Current food labelling regulations are inadequate and vague, Carmarthenshire West & South Pembrokeshire’s Conservative MP Simon Hart told a recent meeting of the Farmers’ Union of Wales’ Carmarthenshire county executive committee.

“An Ombudsman, when in place, will deal with this issue,” added Mr Hart before committee members suggested the FUW should take every opportunity to continue lobbying MPs on the importance of correct labelling.

Mr Hart, former chief executive of the Countryside Alliance, gave details of his background which is closely linked to the agricultural sector, with some of his close relatives currently farming in Carmarthenshire.

He raised concerns about proposals to reduce the number of MPs as it would be harder to have the voice of Wales heard in Central Government.

He also referred to the work of Defra’s red tape Tsar Richard Macdonald who recently urged farmers to have their say on over-regulation.

Mr Hart said Central Government worked in partnership with the Welsh Assembly Government who are much closer to electors and the general public.

The issue of hunting was included in the Conservative manifesto, but he believed that this would not be taken further until mid-2015.

Members raised questions and debated a variety of other topics such as Defra’s bovine TB-badger control consultation and environmental issues such as food production and carbon footprint.


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