Warning against manhole cover thefts

Thieves stealing manhole covers from roads in and around Merthyr Tydfil could cause a serious accident or even a death, police have warned.

85 cast iron covers have been stolen from the roads all over the County Borough in recent days.

Police Sergeant Richie Gardiner said the exposed holes in the road are particularly dangerous at night.

He said: “They become a potential trap for any road user and are particularly dangerous for motorcyclists, cyclists and those on horseback. At night these holes just won’t be seen until it is too late.”

He said police believed the manhole covers were being sold on for scrap.

He said: “But is the short financial gain worth a serious injury to someone or even someone’s life?

“We will make it a priority to catch people involved in stealing these.

“We would ask the public to report any suspicious behaviour to police as an emergency.”

“To those responsible I would just say stop and think about what you are doing. It could be one of your relatives injured or killed.”

Jeremy Morgan, Highways Network Group Manager of Merthyr Tydfil Council, said: “We consider the theft of manhole covers to be a very serious issue. Not only does it pose an obvious safety risk, it also costs the council a significant amount of money to replace them, and can cause disruption to motorists while repair work is taking place.”

Sgt Gardiner said anyone who has seen anything suspicious in the areas that have been targeted should contact police immediately.

People can also contact Sgt Gardiner at Merthyr Tydfil Police Station on 101, or pass on information in confidence on the free Crimestoppers number, 0800 555 111.


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