Crackdown on bus behaviour

A partnership scheme to deal with unacceptable behaviour on school transport has proved to be such a success, it is being rolled out to other areas of Rhondda Cynon Taf.

South Wales Police, Rhondda Cynon Taf Council’s Integrated Transport Unit (ITU), transport operators and staff at Pontypridd High joined forces to launch the initiative.

It was borne out of complaints being made by pupils and their parents about the unacceptable behaviour of a minority of pupils using school transport facilities to and from classes.

Concerns included general rowdy behaviour to a few isolated incidents of throwing missiles from bus windows, abuse shouted at the drivers and even intimidation.

Determined to put a stop to the emerging behaviour pattern for the benefit of all who use school transport – the majority of whom are impeccably behaved – partners joined forces and put in place a plan of action.

This saw the presence of police officers on certain routes, as well as the removal of double-decker buses, replaced by single-level vehicles, and the reallocation of pupils to ensure a more even spread of people across the routes.

The pilot scheme has raised standards across the area and enabled journeys to and from school to be safe and free from unusual levels of stress for passengers and drivers, as per the Welsh Assembly Government’s Travel Behaviour Code.

Further work will lead to targeted exercises where they are needed and it has been agreed that the presence of police officers on selected routes is a valued deterrent that will be rolled out across the county borough. Paul Cannon, Chair of the Community Safety Partnership, said: “This is a positive example of partner agencies, including the Police and the Council, working with schools to ensure pupils can make their way to and from school in a safe manner.

“It must be stressed that the majority of our pupils behave in an exemplary manner during their journeys to and from school. However, there have been some incidents to which we must respond, on behalf of other school transport users and operators.

“We are pleased that pilot work with Pontypridd High has been such a success and allowed us to roll out a course of action across the County Borough.”


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