Good Health; Good Care in Flintshire 2011-2014 Don’t miss your chance to have your say

Responses to the following questions about how to improve the health, social care and well being of Flintshire’s residents are currently being sought by the Health, Social Care and Well being Partnership*, and everyone in the county is being urged to have their say and help shape local services for 2011-2014.

The questions being asked are:

1   What would help people to have a healthy body weight?
2.  What would help people not to smoke?
3.  How can people of all ages be encouraged or supported to drink alcohol
4.  How can people with chronic conditions be supported to manage
their condition?
5.  What can be done to help prevent older people falling at home?
6.  What support do the following people need so that they can have more
choice over the way that services are provided?

  • Older frail people
  • People with long term (chronic) conditions
  • -Young disabled people going through transition into adulthood
  • Informal carers

7.  What support do the following people need to remain independent at

  • Older frail people
  • People with long term (chronic) conditions

The views of everyone living and working in Flintshire are very important and will be considered carefully before the final Health, Social Care and Well being Strategy for Flintshire is agreed.

The consultation document is available from: or

by emailing [email protected] or
or by telephoning 01352 702536

The closing date for all responses is December 31st 2010.

We look forward to hearing from you.

The Partnership includes Flintshire County Council, Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board, Public Health Wales, Flintshire Local Voluntary Council, Betsi Cadwaladr University Community Health Council and the independent care sector.


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