Cardiff Students sit-in at the Shandon Lecture Theatre

Around 50 students have occupied Shandon Lecture Theatre in Cardiff University’s Main Building in Park Place, Cardiff.

They say that they will remain in occupation of the Lecture Theatre until the university management meaningfully respond to their demands.

These are:

  • Free movement to and from the occupation
  • No victimisation of participants in this occupation or in previous or future actions against fees & cuts
  • For Cardiff University to issue a public statement opposing any rise in fees
  • For Cardiff University to issue a public statement opposing any education cuts
  • Full disclosure of university finances
  • Meaningful student and staff participation in budgetary and financial decisions

The occupation has received the University’s Estates Manager, who has refused to respond to the demands the students have made.

The occupation has received statements of support from many sources including from Plaid Cymru, PCS Wales, Cardiff Stop the War Coalition, Cardiff Trades Council, Counterfire Online magazine, Hungry Planet Cooperative, Cardiff Against the Cuts, Wales Shop Stewards Network, Right to Work Campaign, Youth Fight for Jobs, Wales Green Party, Socialist Party, Socialist Worker Party, Communist Party Wales and Cymdeithas ir Iaith Gymraeg (Welsh Language Society)

The Hungry Planet Cooperative has also provided food for the occupiers.

You can let them know how you feel about their actions by emailing [email protected]

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