Christmas Toy Safety advice

Each year many children require medical attention due to injuries caused by unsuitable or unsafe toys.  While some accidents will inevitably happen through childhood, many can be prevented by being aware of common hazards.

Cardiff Trading Standards advise consumers to refer to the list below in order to choose toys wisely and avoid hazards.

Small Parts – Don’t give toys with small parts to young children.   Small parts can be inhaled or swallowed and could cause a child to choke.

Age Warnings
– Look out for age warnings on toys; is the toy suitable for the age of your child?

Filing Material – Check for strong seams on soft toys.  The filling material in toys can cause young children to choke if they split open.

Hair – Toys with hair can cause choking if not securely attached. Most children under the age of three have not developed a natural coughing reflex to clear blocked airways.

Finger Traps – Moving, folding and mechanical parts can cause finger traps which could injure young fingers.

Sharp Edges – Look out for sharp edges or rough surfaces which can cause cuts or splinters.

Loose Strings/Cords
– Don’t buy cot or pram toys with long or loose strings or cords.  These can become tangled around a child’s body and strangle or choke a young child.

Flying Toys and Projectiles – Toy darts or missiles can be dangerous if misused.  Use only projectile toys with a low velocity and soft tipped parts.

Electrical Toys – These should operate on 24 volts or less.  Make sure the batteries are inserted correctly and disposed of carefully.  Never leave ‘dead’ batteries in toys because they may leak poisons or liquid that can burn skin.

Councillor Judith Woodman Executive Member for Housing, Communities & Social Justice said: “Always follow the manufacturers recommended age labelling, safety instructions or warnings on toys.   If you come across a toy that is unsafe take it away from your child immediately and report it trading standards.”

If you have any queries on the above you can contact Trading Standards on 029 20872059.


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