Minister announces extra money for mending potholes and gritting

Local Government Minister, Carl Sargeant yesterday announced extra funding totalling £7 million for local authorities to spend on mending potholes and buying road salt for gritting this winter.

Carl Sargeant said

“I am very aware that last winter’s severe weather left a legacy of road potholes and that local highway authorities faced gritting pressures. The resulting damage to roads is still a matter of concern to local residents and local authorities alike.

“Although it is not possible to predict at this stage what the weather holds in store for us in the longer term, the recent snow and ice suggests that it could be another hard winter.

“The money that I am announcing today is to be spent this financial year. It will help to alleviate some of the financial pressure on local authorities and enable them to take early action to overcome the problems that another hard winter may present.

“I know that local authorities are carefully planning to meet the challenges of another hard winter and it is for them to decide their priorities in terms of road repair and the purchase of road salt.

“However, in terms of gritting I expect them to give priority to the needs of the elderly and the young and to pay particular attention to areas around local shops, schools, clinics, community centres and the like.”

The Assembly Government will be writing to all local authorities shortly giving further details of the grant funding.


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