AM Highlighghts Cardiff the Incinerator Campaign

South Wales Central AM Chris Franks highlighted the Cardiff against the incinerator campaign in the Senedd.

Plaid Cymru AM Chris Franks, who represents the whole of Cardiff said: “What representations have the Welsh Government received regarding the proposed incinerator in Splott, Cardiff? Campaigners were disappointed that the Environment Agency decided to give it the go-ahead.”

Deputy Housing and Regeneration Minister Jocelyn Davies said: “Individual sites, operations, applications and so on are a matter for individual local authorities and the Environment Agency, so the Minister would not have been involved in any decision, as she would have an appellant role. The Welsh Assembly Government’s waste strategy sets a target of 70 per cent recycling and composting and a cap on energy from waste of 30 per cent by 2025. If you have any specific issues relating to the incinerator at Splott, I suggest that you write to the Ministers so that your concerns can be taken up.”


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