Lamphey school gets gold

Pupils at Lamphey School have been given top marks for their commitment in caring for the environment.

The school has become the 10th in Pembrokeshire to achieve the Gold Sustainable School Award.

In their bid to achieve the award pupils have taken part in a number of environmental projects throughout the year.

These included exploring the meaning of community by studying Community Citizenship and Biodiversity.

Pupils launched a village trail booklet and have been growing and eating vegetables from their school garden; they’ve also come up with plans to attract beneficial wildlife into the school grounds.

And to mark the festive season, they harvested their own willow to make willow wreaths for their Christmas Fayre.

The school’s Eco Club has also developed its own Action Plan and Eco Code and co-ordinates various activities and events throughout the school.

“We are very proud of the work we have done and our continuing commitment to promoting sustainability and global citizenship in school,” said Nicola Teague, ESDGC (Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship) Co-ordinator. “We look forward to continuing this work and developing it further in the future.”

Pupils and teachers were rewarded for their hard work at a special Assembly when Councillor Huw George, Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Learning presented the Oak Tree to pupils.

The Pembrokeshire Sustainable Schools Award scheme recognises efforts to improve quality of life and the environment without damaging the planet for future generations.

Photograph: Lamphey pupils are pictured with Councillor Huw George, Nicola Teague, Headteacher Margaret Palmer and Janie Pridham, Sustainable Schools Officer
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