Welsh Co-ops Needed Now More Than Ever, Says Plaid AM

Plaid Cymru’s Leanne Wood has called for “green, co-operative revolution” to boost the economy and insulate Wales from the damaging effects of the Con/Dem coalition government.

The AM for South Wales Central called for a major expansion of the co-operative movement in Wales during First Minister’s questions in the Senedd.

The Rhondda born politician believes co-operatives will be key to Wales in the coming years as a source of employment and as a means of building up self-sufficiency, particularly in the former mining communities of the South Wales Valleys where jobs are at a premium.

Later this year, Ms Wood will publish a ‘Greenprint for the Valleys’, which will contain a long-term plan to create jobs and breath life in the former coalfield areas.

During plenary Ms Wood said: “I believe that there is great potential to expand the co-operative movement to create further employment, and to enable people and communities to become self-reliant, particularly in the former mining areas of the South Wales Central region, where jobs are in short supply.

“Given the recent run of bad news as a result of Westminster budget decisions, such as that on the electrification of the railways, and the poor budget settlement delivered to the Assembly, which will result in the loss of public sector jobs and a downgrading—in some cases—of public sector terms and conditions, what can the Welsh Assembly Government do to promote and support a green co-operative revolution in Wales?

In reply, Carwyn Jones agreed there was a “tremendous potential” for co-operatives in Wales to expand.


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