Bobby Knocking across Penarth

Neighbourhood Police Officers from Penarth are launching a ‘Bobby Knocking’ initiative which will see officers focussing on the town’s residential areas on a street by street basis offering important advice and information on keeping homes secure.

The initiative has been launched following a recent spate of dwelling burglaries in the town and officers want to reinforce the significance of adequate home security to local residents.

Penarth Neighbourhood Police Inspector Chris Owen said: “We have experienced an increase in domestic burglaries in the town since the New Year and we hope that by doing this neighbourhood officers will not only have an opportunity to introduce themselves to as many local residents as possible but also to give them more information on crime prevention.

“Officer will also explain what other work they are doing in their area and also residents will have the opportunity to tell us about any problems or concerns they may have, either personally or within the wider community. We will also be promoting the PACT process and the website.

“Bobby Knocking is already proving to be a great success in the streets visited to date and for those streets yet to be visited Bobby Knocking will be coming to you in the near future.”

Photograph: PCSOs Sarah Johnson, Michelle Griffiths and Andrew Sweeney ‘Bobby Knocking’ visit Ludlow Street in Penarth to remind residents about the importance of keeping their homes secure

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