RCT Cabinet Confirms Local Jobs And Services Will Be Protected

Cabinet has discussed how to combat the cuts imposed on the County Borough by the UK Government. Savage spending cuts by the ‘ConDem Government’ mean Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council will face a £15m gap next year, although Council Leader Russell Roberts made clear that the Council is set to protect the public from service cuts and avoid compulsory redundancies.

County Borough Councillor, Russell Roberts, Leader of the Council said: “We saw in the 1980s how the decisions of a government can impact on communities like Rhondda Cynon Taf. This time around they have chosen to attack public services and this is why the Council faces a £14M budget gap in the coming year.

“As a Council we must do everything possible to protect the public from the savagery of these cuts. I am confident our budget proposals will deliver this.

“By securing over £8.5m from efficiency savings, we will protect the public and communities from services cuts.

“Our strategy demonstrates that when faced with a difficult situation, the value of political principles counts and Cabinet was unanimous in the direction it gave, that no cuts to services and the protection of local jobs are the overriding objective.

“Our Budget Strategy for 2011/12 will deliver this; there will be no compulsory redundancies and there will be no cuts to services in Rhondda Cynon Taf.

“We have a strong track record in delivering efficiency savings, over £40m in the last four years, and we will deliver further savings to protect the public here in Rhondda Cynon Taf from what has been inflicted upon us by the ConDem Government.”

During the meeting Cabinet Members re-emphasised the importance of the changes to staff terms and conditions. Cllr Russell Roberts added: “Without these changes to terms and conditions we would not be able to offer the assurance to our staff that there will be no compulsory redundancies.

“The changes to terms and conditions generate £5.6m and without these amendments we would be faced with a situation where up to 500 jobs in the Council would be lost. As a Cabinet we are not prepared to take such a decision which would have such a devastating effect on local communities and the livelihoods of many families.

“Last week other Councils in Wales have been forced to announce redundancies and cut services but this is not going to happen in Rhondda Cynon Taf.”

Cabinet Members agreed that resources should be targeted at and protected in the following areas as part of next year’s budget:

  • Activities and enhanced provision for Young People
  • Adult Social Services
  • Children’s Social Services (Including Looked After Children)
  • Environmental Initiatives
  • Schools and protecting them from the negative settlement increase the Council has received
  • Waste Management and Recycling, with the continued roll-out of food recycling and maintaining weekly collections

Cabinet Members discussed the need to set Council Tax and a reasonable yet responsible level in the current economic climate. Members discussed the potential of a 3% increase in 2011/12. In previous years, Council Tax has always been set at around 5%. Members noted every 1% of Council Tax raised around £750,000 of funding to support to essential frontline services.


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