One Voice Wales in action over traffic chaos

One Voice Wales, the organisation representing Town and Community Councils throughout Wales, is to organise a meeting to support the campaign to get something done about the worsening traffic chaos in and around Newtown.

At the January meeting of the Montgomeryshire Area Committee, it was decided unanimously by councillors that this issue would become the focus of attention for the coming months. The committee’s chair, Cllr Derrick Pugh, Trefeglwys Community Council explained that this was a massive issue for the whole area.

“The traffic problems in Newtown appear to have got much worse and visitors are giving the town a wide berth, and trade and the economy here are beginning to suffer as a consequence.”

One Voice Wales is now staging a special area meeting in April in which the various parties will be invited.

“Others in the town are already taking action in the form of a petition, which will be handed in to the Welsh Assembly” said Cllr Pugh. “This intervention by One Voice Wales will hopefully add the desired momentum to the campaign in order that something will be done, sooner rather than later”

Commenting on the One Voice Statement, Powys County Councillor Russell George (pictured) said.

“This is a problem that affects large areas of Mid Wales and I am delighted that One Voice Wales will be co-ordinating a meeting of all town and community councils in support of campaigning efforts”

Councillor George, who is also the Conservative candidate in the Welsh Assembly elections has been co-ordinating a petition asking for urgent action to be taken went on to say:

“I now have over 5000 signatures for a trial roundabout to be put in place and the number of people signing up is increasing daily. In March I will be presenting the petition to the Welsh Assembly.”

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