New booklet urges farmers to plant trees

Farmers in Wales are being wooed by a new booklet which outlines the benefits of planting more trees on their land.

The booklet, “Why plant trees on my farm?”, targets traditional agricultural land in a bid to help the Welsh Assembly Government achieve its aim of vastly increasing Wales’s woodland cover.

The Assembly Government wants to create 100,000 hectares of new woodland in Wales over the next 20 years – equivalent to the size of about 100,000 football pitches – and sees farms as having a vital role to play.

The booklet has been produced by Forestry Commission Wales, together with Coed Cadw (Woodland Trust), Coed Cymru and the Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group (FWAG).

FC Wales provides grants to farmers to plant trees on their land through Glastir, and the other three organisations offer free advice to all landowners who are interested in creating new woodlands.

FC Wales Grants and Regulations Operations Manager Rachel Chamberlain said the booklet would help to promote the benefits of tree planting on farms.

“In addition to providing timber and fuel, trees can be used to create shelter for crops, stock or buildings and can prevent run-off and reduce soil erosion, whilst also enhancing wildlife on farms,” she said.

“Woodland also offers the opportunity to generate income from shooting.”
Rory Francis, of the Woodland Trust, welcomed the new publication which supported the Trust’s “More Trees, More Woods” campaign.

He said, “Over time, trees bring an enormous amount of good to wildlife, people and the environment. And, in just a few short years as they live, grow and develop, these benefits multiply.”

To receive a copy of the booklet, call 0300 068 0300 and ask for the Forestry Commission Glastir Woodland team, e-mail [email protected] or download a copy from the Forestry Commission Wales website at


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